Upcoming Exhibition of Recent Work by
Bill & Cindy Buzadi
September 12 – 26, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, September 14th
from 1-4pm
at Gallery Catalyst
666 Queen Street West, Toronto, (west of Bathurst, north side), M6J 1E5, 1-647-748-1666
Map to this event
Gallery Hours:
Monday & Tuesday: closed, Wednesday-Friday: 1-7pm, Saturday: 11-7, Sunday: 1-5
Website: www.gallerycatalyst.com
Email: info@gallerycatalyst.com
Discovery, a 12 min. animated short on display at the exhibition.
Coverage of Stranger Than Fiction set to air on Space at 6PM EST and repeat at 11PM on Wednesday, September 18. http://www.space.ca/InnerSPACE.aspx
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/172086419638732/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gallery-Catalyst/134547853389875
Gallery Catalyst Events: http://gallerycatalyst.ca/events/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gallery-Catalyst/134547853389875?fref=ts
CP24: http://events.cp24.com/event/stranger-than-fiction-1