BuzadiArt available on ETSY through Gallery Catalyst

BuzadiArt available for purchase on ETSY through Gallery Catalyst:




See full collection of Bill Buzadi’s work available through Gallery Catalyst:

Norman Felix Gallery has a New Adelaide Steet Location

w_bill_buzadi_wronged_20x16445 Adelaide St W, Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-366-6676, Fax: 416-366-6686

Gallery Viewing & Café Hours:
Thursday 11:00 – 5:00
Friday 11:00 – 5:00
Saturday  11:00 – 3:00




Artist in Attendance at Gallery Catalyst

Visual Artist Bill Buzádi will be at
Gallery Catalyst
Sat., Sept. 14th from 12:00pm-7:00pm to talk about his work
and promote his & Cindy Buzádi’s exhibition:
Stranger Than Fiction
showing at Gallery Catalyst
Sept. 12th – Sept. 26th
opening reception:
Saturday Sept. 14th from 1-4
Both Bill & Cindy will be in attendance at the opening reception

666 Queen Street West, Toronto, (west of Bathurst, north side),
M6J 1E5      1-647-748-1666
Website: www.gallerycatalyst.com       http://gallerycatalyst.ca/#/cindy-buzadi
Email: info@gallerycatalyst.com
http://gallerycatalyst.ca/contact-us/      Map to this event

Howl on CIUT 89.5 FM Radio

Bill & Cindy Buzádi will be appearing on The CIUT 89.5FM Radio Show:


Tuesday, May 28th  at 10:00pm

CIUT 89.5 FM

along with Gallery Catalyst owner, Brian Liss

Howl showcases mostly Canadian music groups and individuals. The spoken word includes, Beat Generation, Neo Beat, Gadist poetry, SUrrealist Dadas, Dub, Hip Hop , Rap, SOund poets, DECONTRUCTIVISTS,  Afro Can, Native  Canadian, SPanisha and French Canadian. Also works by DEad POets Society including Edgar A. Poe and Byron.

Howl Radio Host Nik Beat is also a visual artist represented at Gallery Catalyst